viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2009


Hi everyone!
This blog is about music and what represents to me. So I have to say that music is very important to everyone, actually I think that it's an essential part in everybody's life, most people couldn't live without music and many people also dedicate part of their time to play instruments or sing, even dance. You can do all that with music and so much more. They are people who also dedicate professionally into music and make famous carrers of it.
Personally I see music as a way to express feelings, every letter and melody have a unique message for every person who listen to the song. To me music is a very beautiful art, full of diversity. They are different kinds of music wich you can chose to hear according to the ocassion. I for example like almost all kind of music, the only thing that matters is that every song makes me feel something.

I get my music from an internet program, this way I can search for the song I want to hear or the artist which I like. But for a long time I didn't have this program on my computer because with this it came a lot of virus.
I don't follow any singer or group at especial, but when I was a little girl I remember to love The Backstreet Boys and go crazy about them. This days I like a lot of different artists, I have to say that I like songs with english letters, may be because besides of the interpretation you have to translate the meaning of a different language.
I definitely think that music fill my life:)
See you!

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